Nabilosat v0.8 maxvar dm500s_blue mod borsalino 04.07.2009
1-the new in this image
*Changed the original A new skins spectrum1+2+3+4
*add turkish Language
*delete old skins
*new bootlogo
*delete other longage
*add Nagrab and text
*add option DVR with help botton
new bootlogo
what new in backup nabilosat_v0.8_maxvar_backup_blue
-option DVR ok with botton help
-font size add
-add Cccam2.1.1 ok
-change logo of demarage
-add new list channel (update)
-add Cccam speed
*new plugins add About twenty
*dreamnetcaste of radio net
*hacksat v9a for update
*tuxbox commander
*time dat
*rss tv guides
*new wither
And more plugins