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Сообщения, опубликованные LegninVG

  1. Проблемы с настройкой пакета "базовый запад". Ресивер GI 8180 VU SOLO, установил плагин wicardd 1.18 для CI, конфиги залил с "cbilling.eu", в логе вижу что wicardd-mipsel запускается а на экране "малевич". Так выглядит лог

    20:06:55.044 wicardd: wicardd-mipsel version 1.18 neosheen (Aug 24 2014) http://wicard.tv
    20:06:55.046 wicardd: Build options: [AutoConf] [TuxBox SCI] [DVBAPI] [WEBIF] [ExMLog] [TWIN]
    20:06:55.090 dvb: Filter object created.
    20:06:55.107 ntv+light: using default secure key
    20:06:55.119 wicardd: creating default balancer.
    20:06:55.129 ntv+light: reader thread started, pid 455, tid 2002605232
    20:06:55.131 default: [balancer] chain key missed, creating default chain including all readers.
    20:06:55.132 default: balancer object created, 1 stage(s).
    20:06:55.156 DVB: Detected API: DVBAPI3
    20:06:55.210 DVB0[DVBAPI3]: starting camd.socket handler thread
    20:06:55.218 DVB0[DVBAPI3]: Wrong or unused config key 'rerequest_not_decoded = 1'
    20:06:55.219 wicardd: registered 1 filter(s), 1 reader(s), 1 balancer(s), 0 tuner(s) and 0 server(s)
    20:06:55.219 wicardd: loaded 0 user account(s)
    20:06:55.219 wicardd: ECM cache size = 0
    20:06:55.222 DVB0[DVBAPI3]: DVB handler thread started, pid 459, tid 2000594096
    20:06:55.225 wicardd: main thread, pid 451, tid 2004538384
    20:06:55.337 wicardd: Discovery thread terminated.
    20:06:55.643 ntv+light: connect to cserv3.net:10003, user=6836780, xxxxxx, key=[0102030405060708091011121314]
    20:07:58.314 ntv+light: connect to cserv3.net:10003, user=6836780, xxxxxx, key=[0102030405060708091011121314] 
    В чем проблема?
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