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  1. hi to all. Can i use FERRARI addons manager on dm 800se clone and if yes where can i find it?
  2. 8eeae69

    Emu Mgcamd

    i didnt undestand what you mean can you be more specific? thanks
  3. 8eeae69

    Emu Mgcamd

    hi to all receiver dm 800hd clone gemini 5.1 i installed mgcamd 1.35a for dm 800 but reboots the unit. I tried to install mgcamd 1.37 from the emulators of dm with no succes. any ideas what to do? thanks
  4. I need your help please with an openbox s9 hd I use it to get nova and jsc sport My problem is that some of the channels take too much time to open and have many freezing and some like boomerang don't open at all. I tried the same channels with dreambox with the same account with no problem. The version of the s9 which I got from the information menu.is HDS-11-03-02:025BCMT. What I did. a. I got all the information for the newcamd list from the cbilling b I downloaded the latest mgcamd.config c. I copied all the files to a USB and I updated the ignore.list, the replace.list, and thenewcamd.list to the openbox. I did not find anything of how to use prority.list or mg_cfg. And I don't know if these are needed. Is there anything alse I should do? Thanks
  5. hi. i need your help please. How can i add code in the tuxbox commander so as to become code prodected? thanks
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