Прошивки VU+ Zero 4K
14 files
OpenPLi 9.1
Автор Ippolitovich
New features or improved features:
Services that use streamrelay cannot be used for FCC Add support for graphical PVRState icons FlashImage - Downloaded images will add downloaded homebuild images too Add an extra option to the inactivity timer for half an hour Display Joblist in movieplayer's Extensions too Add option to insert a stream or hdmi-in entry in a userbouquet Also allow to insert service when you are in an empty userbouquet Set HDMI port as default to ensure resolution is set to 720p [Added] Possibility to detect which CI slot do the descrambling (for use to display that in skins later) Add configurable option for selecting default for remote or local timer With timer edit when timer was local timer keep it as local timer Support stream relay when using rotor Most disks use the ATA protocol, some USB bridges require the SCSI protocol, now both hdparm and sdparm are used to set the disk to sleep mode. Extend serviceMP3 to support audio/subtitle track selection remembering [FlashImage] - if rejecting usb images then deselect all Fixed SNR toggle config name and description [MediaPlayer] add stream extention [Added] Support for longer interval to keep EPG HDMI-CEC - added missing import HDMI-CEC - added option for detect PC to plugin HDMI-CEC - added option for IP test before Standby or Deep standby HDMI-CEC - option to test box(es) via LAN using Owif Hotkey - added KEY_ARCHIVE as History, added long activatePip Make for quadpip mode a config Dropbear upgraded to 2024.84 New hardware support:
[CI] Add ressources for CI+ 1.4 compability Add H17 remote Adds matrix Inverto IDLU-UST110-CUO8O-32P Add led support for gbtrio4k New or improved Plugins and Settings: [AutoDiseqc] update frequency 36E Sabctools: Downgrade to 7.1.2 (Sabnzbd 4.1.0 and older doesn't work with sabctools 8.0.0. Awaiting stable 4.2.0 release Sabnzbd which can) Sabnzbd: Update to version 4.1.0 Sabnzbd: Fix SABnzbd file extension Add plugin Free channels, Plugin to scan bouquets to find FTA (free-to-air) channels and add to the bouquet if it contains the specified language. Sabnzbd: Update to version 4.2.1 Disable clockfix option in oscam, the timesettings are done by NTP Openvpn add openresolv update script for DNS updates Added Czech meteo viewer plugin Added enigma2-plugin-extensions-xklass streaming plugin Update enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgimport-rytec Add whitelist for OSCam icam channels Wireguard lower the minimum kernel requirement to 3.10 Add OSCam streamrelay whitelist In PluginDownloadBrowser add expand/compress for green button Add enigma2-plugin-extensions-jediepgxtream to the feed Look and feel changes:
As always many translation/language improvements, thanks to all the translators!!! GMEPG display disabled timer as yellow Add enigma.info to the Troubleshoot screen (yellow in about) Allow toggle keys for Radio/TV mode in channelselections Use blue button to start scan as OK has now different functionality Bring CI+ menu more in line with the new Setup stuff To start/stop the sleeptimer you now need the blue button Adopt Cablescan to the new ConfigList options Autodiseqc order/preselection integrated in config instead of popup Add fallback to Menu skin In Graphical MultiEPG show blue key correctly (Now or PrimeTime) Change naming blue button in naming in PluginDownloadBrowser MediaPlayer use VirtualKeyBoard instead InputBox MediaPlayer - clear playlist via buttons with confirmation only Driver updates:
Octagon: fixed sf8008 hang on reboot Xsarius: try-fix missing dvb modules Vuplus: remove kodi from vuuno/vusolo/vuultimo Remove blindscan for many receivers Edision: remove kodi from osmega Added RTW8852CU driver Do not build rtl8852cu for kernels older than 3.10 Added realtek 88x2cu driver, for sf8008 supreme Textlcd 7segment adaption for many receivers Uclan: usytm4kpro add MACHINE_FEATURE dvb-c Octagon: fix subtitle blit issue Added rtl8852au wifi driver Gfutures: updated hd66se defconfig for wireguard support Zgemma: reinstated dvb-c support for the H10/H10SE Zgemma: h11 enable kernel config for Wireguard Added firmware-dvb-usb-dib0700-1.10 (Sony PlayTV USB DVB-T module) Zgemma: add h17, bcm7251 with dvb-ct2 and dvb-s2 Known issue's:
The Backup of 9.1 is no longer compatible with older versions, so that can cause problems if you want to downgrade an image. (problem, in /etc/enigma2/settings booleans are now capitalized, and True is not seen as true by older images, but as false )
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VTi 15.0.02
Автор Ippolitovich
Merge branch 'master' of openvuplus_3.0
Fixed: DVD-Player crashes
Fixed: ConverterExtendedServiceInfo - THX schomi
Upgraded: Settings - THX NaseDC
Upgraded: PiconManager to v2.5r0 - THX NaseDC
Upgraded: unicable.xml (08.10.2022) - THX NaseDC
Added Static Oscam 1.20 with Changeset 11716
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Автор Ippolitovich
OpenViX 6.2 is based on the OE-Alliance-core branch 5.1.
The easiest way to flash latest OpenVix image is to do the following:
Download the image to your receiver's storage device
Blue button > ViX > Image manager > Yellow (Downloads) > Select OpenViX > Select image version > Press OK
You will see the download status
Once downloaded, you should still be in Image manager and the latest image should be highlighted.
Ensure you have the correct image selected then press the Blue button (Flash)
The new image will flash and box will reboot when completed
You can then restore settings and plugins from OpenViX 6.1 (and earlier) series images after you have flashed the image. This will restore most things to how you had them before.
So what is different in OpenViX 6.2?
OpenViX 6.2 builds on the success of 6.0 and aims to bring you the important things such as improved stability and bug fixes, rather than gimmicks.
The main change from version 6.0 to version 6.2 has been to upgrade from oe-alliance-core branch 5.0 to 5.1. The OE (Open Embedded) core on which the image is built has also undergone major changes, updates and fixes, and uses the latest bitbake version. Also the enigma2 codebase has been updated to remove Python 2 backwards compatibility code that is no longer needed.
It is now possible to display the menu as a horizontal scrolling list (requires a compatible skin, currently Magic-FHD or Simple1080).
Contains experimental FCC (fast channel change) code for hardware that supports this (Vu+ models with FBC tuners).
***Password required for FTP, TELNET & SSH!*** SEE GUIDE HERE!
OE-A 5.1
Python 3.10
Extensive changes "under the covers" to meet python3.10 requirements.
Some plugins may no longer be supported (depends on source availability etc) or still may need code changes
Has been extensively piloted over last 5 months.
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OpenBh 5.1
Автор Ippolitovich
OpenBh 5.1 is based on the OE-Alliance 5.1 core.
The main change from OpenBh 5.0 to OpenBh 5.1 is that Python has been upgraded from Python 3.9 to Python 3.10 and 99% of the old redundant Python2 code has now been removed completely.
Whats New:
OE-A 5.1
Python 3.10
Extensive changes to meet Python3.10 requirements.
Fixed all known issues with FCC on Vu+boxes... (Channel number and usb tuners with no video).
If your favourite plugins no longer work, you will need to contact the plugin authors to ask them to update their plugins for Python3.
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Автор Ippolitovich
OpenViX 6.0 is based on the OE-Alliance v5.0 core.
The easiest way to flash latest OpenVix image is to do the following:
Download the image to your receiver's storage device
Blue button > ViX > Image manager > Yellow (Downloads) > Select OpenViX > Select image version > Press OK
You will see the download status
Once downloaded, you should still be in Image manager and the latest image should be highlighted.
Ensure you have the correct image selected then press the Blue button (Flash)
The new image will flash and box will reboot when completed
You can then restore settings and plugins from OpenViX 5.4 series images after you have flashed the image. This will restore most things to how you had them before.
The main change from version 5.4 to version 6.0 has been to upgrade from Python 2 to Python 3. Python 3 is already 10 years old and Python 2 was deprecated in 2015 and is now completely unmaintained. This means all the third party packages we use extensively will no longer be maintained. And also there will be no future updates for security vunerabilities. With this in mind, not upgrading to Python 3 was not an option for us.
Unlike previous images, the main differences are in both the OpenViX image which has been recoded for python3 and core of the image or the OE (Open Embedded) which has also undergone a lot of changes, updates and fixes to ONLY support python3.
Also support for Oscam scripts has been added as an alternative to the ViX SoftcamManager.
OE-A 5.0
Python 3.9
Extensive changes "under the covers" to meet python3 requirements.
Some plugins may no longer be supported (depends on source availability etc) or still may need code changes
Has been extensively piloted over last 5 months.
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OpenVision 10.3 R387
Автор Ippolitovich
– OE update
– XML updates
– SH4 driver updates for OEM/brand/model/rid/stbid in Information screen, thanks to Audioniek (also you could read pti_descrambler.c and see what I wrote about PowerVu so any idea would be appreciated)
– LCD4linux plugin 5.1-r8q for Open Vision
– Open WebIF updates and fixes
– Pre-install all graphic drivers (opengl, libgles and …)
– setup.xml fix by norhap
Do not online update/upgrade from 10.2 to 10.3, you need to reflash!
Keep in mind we have our own kernels and specific drivers so multibooting our images means YOU WILL LOSE some functions.
online update;
opkg update; opkg upgrade
GStreamer – 1.18.3-r0 (stable)
python – 2.7.18-r0
GCC – 10.2-r0
Glibc – 2.33-r0
OpenSSL – 1.1.1j-r0
Busybox – 1.33.0-r0
FFmpeg – 4.3.2-r0 (latest stable)
exteplayer3 – 68
wget – 1.21.1-r0
curl – 7.75.0-r0
GnuTLS – 3.7.0-r0
Binutils – 2.36-1
Login details:
Username: root
Password: openvision
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Автор Ippolitovich
- OE-Alliance 4.3
- GStreamer
- Python 2.7.15
- actual base
- current drivers
- ****** packages
- cleared and optimized
- update channel list and picon
- a lot of fixes and updates
- optional: KODI 18.5 (where is possible)
- ****** FHD skin HYPERION
- update Polish translation
- update Russian translation
Special THX OE-alliance and all betatesters.
FTP login: root, passwd: pkteam
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BlackHole 3.1.0
Автор Ippolitovich
Add Duo4K SE Support
Various bug fixed and tweaks in the background
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